One of the toughest obstacles standing in the way of our dreams is FEAR. And if you let it consume you, it can derail everything.

Fear is a massive hurdle that we all struggle with. But conquering it is crucial if you want to achieve greatness. Those who learn to overcome their fears ALWAYS end up way ahead of the game.

At a.fatti, we're amazed by stories of people overcoming fear to accomplish extraordinary things. Up-and-coming breakers like 17-year-old Logan Edra (a.k.a. Logistx) are making headlines not just because they're talented, but because they've FLIPPED FEAR ON ITS HEAD. As one of only a few b-girls in her circle, Logan has been vocal about feeling discouraged when she was younger and thinking she wasn't good enough. But she learned to let those fears PROPEL her, instead of holding her back. Today, Logan is considered one of the best b-girls in the world and could be a top prospect for the 2024 U.S. Olympic breaking team in Paris.

Her story is just one of many. Nearly all of the most successful athletes and artists share this in common: they overcame their fears to get ahead.


This is crucial to remember …

Fear is natural.

It's an emotional and biochemical response that warns us about dangerous situations. Without fear, we wouldn't recognize threats or consider any consequences. We'd be ruled by our recklessness and impulsiveness.

But too much fear can become a massive roadblock. It paralyzes us and stops us from moving toward our goals.

So it's all about finding the right balance. Conquering fear doesn't have to mean rejecting it. It means embracing it and turning it into a driving force in your life, instead of a barrier.


Our fears protect us from dangers to our physical and psychological wellbeing. But doing EXTRAORDINARY things doesn't mean being unsafe. In fact, it's just the opposite.

To conquer fear, you need to be even MORE strategic and attentive to your goals. You need to VISUALIZE your success and fully commit yourself to making it happen (instead of running blindly at your goals with no plan).

If fear is already holding you back, start with one first small step. That first step is critical!

Go big—always—and never let failure discourage you. Like fear, failure is part of the journey. Success doesn't come without discomfort.

Confront your fears, don't run from them! Ask yourself, "Why am I really afraid?" Is it justified or an overreaction? By addressing the root cause of your fears, you can control them, instead of the other way around.

Finally, never let fear turn to cynicism. Stay positive, keep moving forward—no matter what the pace—and anything is possible.