
We are proudly adding an additional intervention help link to our website for individuals and families who are looking for assistance on their road to recovery. We have received many inquires about providing such a resource, and we are happy to recommend board-certified interventionist, James "Jim" Reidy.

Jim Reidy is a Certified Intervention Professional (CIP), who has staged more than 300 successful interventions.

Years ago, Jim himself was hopelessly addicted to drugs and alcohol, running in and out of hit houses in North Philly. Thankfully, Jim found his path to recovery before it was too late. And over the past decade, he has used his experiences to conquer the unimaginable—not just for his own life, but also the lives of others.

In active recovery for 12 years, Jim is able to be a present and loving father to his two daughters, ages 28 and 17. This is something that only seemed like a pipedream during his battles with addiction.

Since finding his own recovery, Jim has been executing professional interventions for the past six years, full time. He has experience with every dynamic, in every state, suffering from every type of addiction. It has become his sole purpose and passion in life.

Jim's success has been nationally recognized and featured on A&E’s hit television show Intervention. He specializes in connecting with the lost, bridging the gaps in family systems and coaching families into long-term recovery.

Jim is passionate about his work in the recovery field and believes that exposure to another way of life for individuals suffering from addiction is their greatest chance for success. Jim has dedicated his career as a CIP to securing the highest quality treatment program to fit each family's needs.


Contact Jim Reidy, Certified Intervention Professional (License #10266), by calling (267) 970-7623.